We’ve got big news for our hospital and community! Henryetta will receive a new and permanent helicopter and medical base on its campus. Air Evac Lifeteam, the company bringing the base, has 13 other bases throughout Oklahoma, and will be located just east of the hospital’s current helipad.
Air Evac provides rapid and immediate care for patients with life- or limb-threatening illness or injuries. They currently operate 126 air medical bases across 15 states. The Henryetta base will employ a program director, full-time registered nurses, full-time paramedics and full-time pilots, who will collaborate with local EMS agencies and hospitals to provide the most efficient care possible.
CEO of Hillcrest Hospital Henryetta, Dee Renshaw, said, “Air Evac’s commitment to Henryetta marks a new day for our community in the delivery of health care and will save lives with the rapid transfer of critical patients.”
Construction on the new helipad will begin in January and the helipad will be operational by April. Until then, the hospital’s current helipad will be maintained so that service can continue as usual.